
Lash Primer For Eyelash Extensions 10ml/0.35oz
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0.5S Aurora Adhesive for Eyelash Extension 10ml

Original price was: $79.90.Current price is: $14.90.

0.5S Aurora Adhesive for Eyelash Extension 10ml has a quick drying time of 0.5seconds. It is only for professional use and ideal for the lash artist. Because of the quick drying time you can move quickly without the lashes getting stuck together

Black in color. Using a black eyelash extension glue creates seamless lashes. You cannot tell where the glue is and you see no “white” film.

Liquid in texture. Because of the liquid texture clumping is less likely. You can get just the right amount of glue on the extension to get the perfect bond.

Strong bonding period. The Ultra plus glue is one of the strongest bonding glues available. Your clients will feel like they are really getting the best lashes when they last a long time.

Free Formaldehyde

Durability:6-8 weeks

Optimal temperature for use: 70-80°F

Optimal humidity for use 48%-70%

Strong Bond

Setting Time: 0.5-Seconds
Care Instructions:
Shake well before use. Once opened, keep the adhesive in a cool, dry place .Store the bottle in an upright position with lid tightly closed.
